February 17th, 2024

Spent pretty much all day today on Factorio. I finally feel like I actually know what I'm doing now, which is good. The closest oil field to my base is like a million miles away, but that's not really a huge problem. There's a giant nest near it, but it shouldn't produce too much polution for now at least.

It was really cold upstairs today. Idk what the issue was, it's warmed up but I don't remember ever hearing the radiators turn on. Doesn't really matter that much but idk. It feels weird not really having anything I need to do, besides like my taxes I guess. No jobs I need to apply for, no homework, just nothing. But right now I feel stressed for like, no reason. I think just because I'm resisting the urge to play more Factorio when I should be going to bed like now.